A helping hand at West Star Ranch

  • Post author:
  • Post category:News and Events
  • Post last modified:June 5, 2016
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Long time no update.  We are committed to caring for the four footed friends left at our doorstep and gate – even those with feathers that have only two feet. While we want to stay abreast of everything that’s going on at the Ranch, it’s difficult to find the time to stop here and send news out to our valued supporters.

We hope to change that and start bringing you pictures and updates on a more frequent schedule.

West Star Ranch needs your help.  There are many wonderful volunteers that spend time at the ranch helping care for the animals and clean and feed them.  We also have some dedicated volunteers that are providing a roof over the area by the thrift store to keep donated goods dry when the weather has decided it’s time to bring rain to the desert.  More on that in the next post.

Here’s a perfect example of why West Star Ranch needs your help:


I bet you’re looking at me in this picture like I’m one-crazy eyed goofball. I’m three-weeks old here.  When I was about two-weeks old, some jerk person had the good sense to leave my three siblings and Mom at the gate of West Star Ranch.  

We have ringworm and mites.  We were starving and Mom was so skinny she almost wasn’t producing any milk for us. The people at West Star took us in.  Took us to the vet to cure the ringworm and the mites at the cost of $100 for each of us.  


The jerk person could’ve left us out in the desert for the coyotes so this is a much better alternative from our POV.  Kim, a major supporter of West Star, was feeding each of us some ultra-nutrients that came in a tube…the weird stuff on my chin is supposed to help us and we lick off what doesn’t get into our mouth.  

We have to get a bath in a special solution too…more than once to get rid of the ringworm and the mites. West Star Ranch is watching out for us.  Phew!  The alternative is scary.

We were so hungry we ate dry and canned cat food. Don’t be shy about clicking on the PayPal or Go Fund Me link and helping the ranch help us and more like us.  We have to be spayed and neutered too (OUCH!) and that costs $$$.




Our Winter Newsletter is ready.  Please read it to find out how you can make West Star Ranch a better place and take a moment to enjoy the kudos we give those that have already donated.  We love our supporters.



We are featuring Roxy this month.  She needs and wants a home, someone to take her into their hearts and give her the love she deserves.  Could it be you?  Come and meet her.  She’s a perfect companion to share your home with.  This is Roxy’s page.

Make as much noise as you want when you go to her page, she doesn’t mind.  She’s patiently waiting for a family. Give her a Christmas present and enjoy the rewards.

Roxy cropped (2)


Ain’t I cool?  I’m just sitting here, minding your business, and keeping an eye on the Thrift Store.  Come on in!

Standing Guard

Oh…and before I forget, we will be running a Newsletter to keep you informed of newsy fun, changes, specials, and more.  Click here.

If you would like the Newsletter emailed to you, fill out our web form and submit your email address.  It will only be used for the purpose of the Newsletter.


Chevy with ball in mouth
Chevy with ball in mouth

Chevy was adopted a few weeks ago by Dan and his mom, Linda.

Chevy’s story can be found in our “Adopted Pets” link under the “Rescues” tab at the top but to make it easier, here’s the link.

Chevy’s story is one that we hope you will read and while reading it, think about the joy a rescued pet feels when they have a home with people that love them.


Notice the sharing button at the bottom of each page and post?  Sharing is caring!


A few facts about West Star Ranch. When you visit our property you may be greeted by one of our resident peacocks seen here.

We house 32 dogs and 100+ cats, but this fluctuates on a weekly basis, as people drop off, turn in, or just abandon their animals here. We are a no-kill facility, so these animals live their lives out with us, unless we find them homes.


Call us at (775) 727-6505, visit us Wednesday thru Saturday from 10AM – 2PM, or use our web form to find out more! We are located at 780 Manse Road in Pahrump, NV.  You can always call us, drop by for a visit, lend your volunteer services, or shoot us email.


If you are dropping donations off after hours, you may see one of our West Star Guard Dogs (not for adoption), also seen here, that freely roam the property.

Amongst these four dogs are two of our oldest and first rescues, Cindy and Bully…be careful…Bully is aptly named. Though Cindy is our helper and alerter to anything unusual happening on the Ranch. While the other two Elsie and Tennesse are younger, more agile and tend to act together, protecting their territory.


All in all this is a happy family where cats, birds and dogs actually live together and learn to get along…come see for yourself!