Unless it is feeding time, cats are usually private, sometimes elusive and aloof, and always sleepy. But just because they aren't front and center doesn't mean we do not have…
This is chico approx 9 yrs male, fixed, chipped....he is very snuggly couch potato....who still likes to play. Bull terrier.
Simba is a 5 year old neutered, chiipped Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. He's about 70#, a fun, high-energy dog. Gets along with other dogs if properly and slowly introduced. Simba came…
He’s a year and a half old, neutered chipped, and shots. He was saved from being put down last minute in Los Angeles and brought up here by a terrific,…
Re-Homing Pets
Do you know someone who needs to rehome a pet? West Star Ranch will help. Send us a picture and description of the pet through FB. We request that all…